What should I wear to my first visit?

We recommend wearing loose fit, comfortable clothing so that we can easily access the body part that you're seeking treatment for and any adjacent areas. If you're being seen for hip or knee pain, shorts are best. Ladies, if you're being seen for neck or upper back pain, tank tops work great. For any lower body issues, tennis shoes or running shoes are recommended.

Do I need to see my doctor for a referral first?

No! Florida is a "direct access" state for physical therapy, meaning that we can work together for up to 30 days without a physician's referral. In many cases, we can solve your problem within that time frame and without you ever needing to see a physician. If your problem persists longer than 30 days, we can simply get your PT treatment plan signed by a physician, or continue with wellness/performance training without any referral needed.

For our Strength & Conditioning, Performance, and Injury Prevention services, no physician referral is ever needed.

What makes you different from other PT clinics?

The full duration of your treatment time with us will be spent 1-on-1 with an experienced Doctor of Physical Therapy who has advanced Board Certification as well as advanced training in multiple different evaluation and treatment techniques. You will be the center of attention each and every visit and we will work tirelessly using our knowledge, skills, and passion to ensure that you get the results that you deserve.

Rather than recommending a cookie-cutter "3 times per week for 4 weeks" schedule that interrupts your life, we consider all of the variables of your unique situation and work with you to develop an individualized plan that truly works for you. Spoiler alert: our patients generally need far less visits compared to those of a "traditional" PT clinic.

Do you accept my insurance?

We are classified as an out-of-network provider with all insurance companies. Therefore, we do not bill insurance directly for our services. Instead, our patients are responsible for payment at the time of each visit and may request a superbill for reimbursement purposes. 

Often times when using their insurance, patients receive unexpected large bills for services that they thought were covered weeks or months later. Especially if they haven't met their deductible or out-of pocket limits. At SWELL, patients will never receive a surprise bill from us or their insurance company for our services.

Can my insurance company reimburse me?

The short answer is yes.  However,  this depends on each individual's specific insurance company and details of their plan. There are several variables including deductibles, co-pays, co-insurance, and out-of-pocket maximums that vary for each insurance plan. These numbers often vary for in-network and out-of-network providers. You'll want to find out what your "out-of network outpatient physical therapy benefits" are from your insurance company. If you obtain your plan's Summary of Benefits & Coverages (SBC) document, our team can help you better understand the details of your plan to answer this questions. We also provide a "Superbill" upon request with all of the information needed for you to submit to your insurance company for potential reimbursement for our services.

Why are you "out-of-network"?

Great question! Large, "in-network" PT clinics (PT mills) have to negotiate with insurance companies and agree to be paid a lower price per visit to be considered "in-network" with that company. Those clinics make up for that by trying to squeeze multiple patients in at the same time so that they can bill multiple visits simultaneously. That means that instead of your PT being focused on you during your treatment time, their attention is split between 2, 3, or even 4 patients! With these absurd productivity requirements, the PT's energy is often drained and they pay more attention to their computer to stay caught up on documentation than they do to their actual patients. Furthermore, since treatments from PT's and PTA's (assistants) are paid exactly the same amount by the insurance company, these clinics often hire PTA's, who usually have far less education and skill, to carry out the majority of the treatment sessions since the clinic can pay them a lower salary than a PT. 

I could go on for days about all of the reasons this is bad but suffice it to say that the quality of your treatment takes a massive hit. I know because I have worked in those environments and have seen it first hand.

Being "out-of-network" allows us to be different. To be better. To focus on the unique needs of each patient and put our heart and soul into getting you better.

What are your prices?

Our prices vary based on the type of visit, duration of treatment session, and number of visits purchased in a package. Please call 850-696-6878 or email info@swellptp.com to discuss your problem and determine the right treatment plan to meet your goals. We will work with you to build a customized treatment plan that is effective and affordable for you.

Can I pay using my Flexible Spending Account (FSA) or Health Savings Account (HSA)?

Absoultely! We are an approved healthcare service provider and all of our services are eligible to be purchased using either HSA or FSA funds.